It is the policy of the University to provide each student, employee, and other person having dealings with the institutions an environment free from all forms of discrimination, discriminatory harassment, sexual violence, sexual and gender-based harassment, domestic and dating violence, stalking and retaliation as defined in the Universities’ Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Affirmative Action Plan (“EO Plan”) and/or each University’s Student Code of Conduct.
These Procedures are intended to provide a mechanism to investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination, discriminatory harassment, sexual violence, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and retaliation. These Procedures are available and applicable to all students, faculty, librarians, staff, visitors, contractors, applicants for employment or admission, and others having dealings with the Universities.
No community member may retaliate, harass, intimidate, threaten, coerce or otherwise discriminate against any individual for filing a complaint under these Procedures or for otherwise exercising their rights or responsibilities under the EO Plan or the Student Code of Conduct.
The University’s detailed investigation procedures can be found in the EO Plan, Appendix 4