
Payroll Services

Below are resources to help guide you in understanding and finding more specific information related to your pay, reporting your time, and accessing Employee Self Service for all employees and Manager Self Service for approvers.

General Payroll Inquiries:
413-572-8141, 8664, or 8772

Office hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm

Employee Self Service

Employee Self Service (ESS) allows all employees to view and/or change their contact information, job data, timesheet, paystubs, W2's, direct deposit, taxes, and more.

For most employees groups, weekly time reporting or verification is required via Employee Self Service (ESS).

Employee Self Service (ESS) login


For all payroll job aids, forms, and policies, visit the

  • when experiencing error message with ESS


Manager Self Service

All HR and Payroll activity is managed via the State Human Resources and Compensation Management System (HRCMS). Manager Self Service (MSS) allows designated approvers the ability to view online employee contact information, job data, timesheets, and edit or approve time reported.

For employees who are designated as approvers, you must access Manager Self Service (MSS) via HRCMS Employee Self Service (ESS).

Employee Self Service (ESS) login: 


For all payroll job aids, forms, and policies, visit the

  • when experiencing error message with ESS


Pay Schedules

All employees at À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ are paid on the same biweekly schedule.

Employee Change of Information

Information changes that can be completed using your online account, the Employee Information Change Form, or the Ethnic Group Change Form:

  • Name changes/Marital status (to be completed via Employee Information Change Form)
  • Personal information: Address, contact info, gender, and ethnicity
  • Direct deposit
  • Federal and state taxes
  • Talent Profile: Education and qualifications
  • Consent to receive your annual W2 and 1095-C electronically
  • Military service
  • Highest education level

Completed forms should be submitted to Payroll in-person, via interdepartmental mail, or email

Chosen or Preferred First Name

A chosen or preferred first name is the name a person wants or has elected to be called.  A chosen or preferred first name is not a person’s legal first name.  For example, using Beth instead of Elizabeth or Ben instead of Benjamin.

If you want your chosen or preferred first name populated to other campus systems, please send an email from your À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ email address to with the following information:

  • In the SUBJECT line: Employee Contact Information Form
  • In the BODY of email:
    • Your full legal name
    • Your HRCMS ID#
    • Your chosen or preferred first name

Once your chosen or preferred first name has been received, HR will confirm via email that your request has been forwarded for processing and provide the expected time to complete updates in the following systems:

  • Campus Card ID (once updated, you will need to bring your current ID to the Campus Card office to obtain a replacement)
  • Presence
  • Class rosters
  • Degree audit
  • Banner
  • myÀ¶Ý®ÊÓƵ Portal
  • Parking System
  • University email (email address will remain the same, but the preferred/chosen name will be the display name)
  • HRCMS (HR and Payroll)
Employment Verification

Are you buying a home or new car? Are you applying for Public Student Loan Forgiveness? Do you need your past employment verified?

The Payroll Office is your point of contact for all employment verifications. Send employment verification requests to