FAQs for Faculty & Staff

WSU campus in the spring with flowering trees and light post with blue owl spirit mark flag.

Frequently Asked Questions for Faculty and Staff



Department-level forms that require only a chair鈥檚 signature will remain the same: 

  • Change of Major
  • Declaration of Minor

For forms that require an Associate Dean鈥檚 signature, please see changes below.

Whom do I contact if I am concerned about a student?

If a student is demonstrating a behavior that impacts his/her performance in a class, please contact your department chair.  The chair will then decide if the issue is best managed by Student Affairs (chair contacts Dean of Students) or Academic Affairs (chair contacts Associate Dean) to determine the appropriate intervention measures.

Where do I go to support a day undergraduate student who is appealing an academic dismissal?

The Registrar serves as the chair of the Academic Standing Committee.  Questions regarding academic dismissal for all undergraduate students should be forwarded to the Registrar or Associate Dean.  The academic dismissal process for graduate students will be overseen by the appropriate Associate Dean.

Who signs academic forms for 鈥渄ay鈥 undergraduates?

If any forms remain that required the signature of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, they will now be signed by the Associate Dean, including the following: 

  • Grade change
  • Independent study
  • Late withdrawal
  • Grade appeals
  • Academic dishonesty
  • Application for Enrollment Over 18 Credits

Please note that the Assistant Provost will sign:

  • Curriculum Substitution Forms (for Core Substitution)

Who signs forms for Continuing Education undergraduates?

All approval processes follow those of the day division.

In which School are the exploratory (UND) students housed?

There are several types of exploratory/undeclared students.  Exploratory/Undeclared students who have not indicated any specific disciplinary interest on their admissions application will be housed in the School of Criminology, Psychology, Social Justice, and Public Policy.  A student who has indicated multiple disciplinary interests on his/her admissions application will be housed in the School that is closest to his/her primary academic interest.

A student may be undeclared because he/she is not accepted into his/her first choice major.  These students will be assigned to a School on a case-by-case basis.  For example, a student who is not accepted into a major in which students are allowed to transfer later may be placed into the School of first choice major and monitored for progress.  Students who will not be able to transfer into the first major of choice, having been declined admission initially, will be placed in a school that reflects his/her second choice or related major.

If the student is a double-major in two different schools, who is their Associate Dean?

The student will have two advisors and two department chairs, so if an issue arises within a particular program, the department chair would contact the appropriate Associate Dean for the program's school.

Budget, Travel and Procurement

All Schools have their own budgets.  The Associate Deans will be responsible for the budget, so the budget and procurement processes (e.g. budget requests, equipment requests, ROs, POs) will be forwarded to the appropriate individual. The Associate Deans will work with Deb Cramer, Director of Academic Affairs Fiscal Management, as needed.

Who approves my request to travel?

  • Request to Travel forms will be approved by the Department Chair, and then sent to Susan Davignon, Director of Faculty Affairs for processing.
  • If the department chair submits a Request to Travel form, the form goes directly to the Associate Dean and follows the process above.
  • For any grant-related travel, please contact the Office Grants and Sponsored Programs for funding and process.

Who approves Authorization to Pay forms?

  • Authorization to Pay forms without a purchase order number will be approved by the Department Chair, sent to the Associate Dean for initialing, and then sent to the Office of the Provost for processing.
  • As in the past, Authorization to Pay forms with a purchase order number will be approved by the Department Chair.

What is the role of the Associate Dean in grant solicitation and writing?

Academic Affairs is in the process of reviewing its grant policy and associated procedures.  Departments are asked to work closely with the Associate Dean(s) of relevant Schools on any intent to solicit or write a grant. The Dean of Assessment and Accreditation oversees the Grants and Sponsored Programs office, but the Associate Deans are responsible for generating and guiding grant proposals from their home college in collaboration with the Grants and Sponsored Programs office.

Curriculum and Academic Programs

Whom do I contact with ideas or questions about university-wide academic programs?

If you have ideas or questions about programs, the Department Chair and Associate Dean will help guide your next steps.

How will the development of department course schedules be affected by the new structure?

The department chairs will continue to work with faculty to develop course schedules.  Associate Deans will work with department chairs to ensure that the course schedules are serving the needs of students and using resources effectively.  Course schedule edits should be sent to the Associate Dean, who will work directly with the Registrar on preparing the final schedule.  Associate Deans will review course enrollments and work with department chairs and the Registrar to cancel low-enrolled courses.  The Associate Dean will work across the schools and with the Assistant Provost and the Registrar to ensure campus-wide coordination of program offerings and support for general education.

Associate Deans are responsible for approval of:

  • Course by Special Arrangement
  • Independent Study
  • Pilot Courses

Who is involved in academic program planning and development?

All ideas for new majors, minors, or certificate programs should be discussed at the departmental level first and brought to the Associate Dean for further discussion.  Any programs that involve CGCE resources and graduate programming should also be discussed with the Associate Dean. The Assistant Provost serves as the liaison to the DHE and will work with associate deans and department chairs on submission for state approval process of new undergraduate and graduate academic programs.

The Dean of Assessment and Accreditation is responsible for coordination of the implementation of the Common Core.  The Dean of Assessment and Accreditation works with campus constituents such as the schools, AUC, the Curriculum Committee, and ACAP (Advisory Committee on Academic Planning) on assessment of, and revisions to, the common core.

Who is involved with the review of academic programs?

The program review process is an essential part of academic planning.  The Office of Assessment and Accreditation is responsible for coordinating the regular program review process.  All questions regarding program review should be sent to the Director of Accreditation and Special Projects.  The Associate Dean will support the academic departments in the program review process.

The Office of Assessment and Accreditation is also responsible for providing institutional support for the accreditation process.  The Director of Accreditation and Special Projects tracks the accreditation review of all programs, collaborates with associate deans and department chairs to ensure that the review process proceeds smoothly and serves as a liaison with central administration to secure their cooperation in this process.  Associate Deans are expected to monitor the accreditation status of programs in their home school and secure resources to support the accreditation process.

Annual Reports

Department Chairs will submit annual reports to the Associate Dean.  Associate Deans are responsible for reviewing all annual reports, meeting with department chairs to follow-up on the reports, and summarizing the reports for central administration as part of a summary of school-wide activities.  All annual reports are then submitted to the Office of Assessment and Accreditation.  



Faculty and staff evaluations continue to be conducted in accordance with the bargaining agreements, involving peer review committees and department chairs as required.

The MSCA contract continues to include Associate Deans in the evaluation process for reappointment, tenure, and promotion, but has changed their location in the process.  Associate Deans provide their recommendation to the committee on tenure and/or the committee on promotion.

Whom do I contact for faculty and staff-related matters?

Please first see the department chair to discuss questions, concerns, or issues and determine an appropriate course of action.


Who hires and funds part-time faculty?

Department chairs will continue to be primarily responsible for finding, interviewing, and requesting to hire part-time faculty.  The Assistant Provost will serve as the signatory on part-time faculty contracts which will be processed by assistant to the assistant provost once they are in place.  The responsibility for managing the adjunct budgets will rest with the Assistant Provost.

How do departments request a full-time faculty line?

As it has been the case in with Academic Affairs in the past, all vacated faculty lines revert to the Division of Academic Affairs for later distribution.  The lines will be distributed based on a transparent process following guidelines for position requests explained in the new Faculty Position & Search Request form.  The process includes providing an evidence-based rationale for the hire to the Associate Dean for approval.

Requests approved by the Associate Deans will then be assessed by the Office of the Provost.  Requests approved by the Provost are presented to Finance Cabinet for funding and if approved sent to the President鈥檚 office.  This includes positions funded by CGCE.

Campus Globe against cloudy blue sky

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Scanlon Hall