Advance Your Skills with a Minor in Computer and Information Science

The minor in Computer and Information Science offers a valuable opportunity for students outside the Computer Science and Computer Information Systems majors to enhance their academic portfolio. As computers become increasingly integral to various fields, this minor requires a completion of at least 18 credit hours of CAIS-designated coursework. While the program is flexible, students must formally declare their intent to pursue the minor after completing 12 credit hours in CAIS courses, allowing for personalized guidance from a DCIS advisor. There are three distinct tracks within the minor: the Scientific/Technical track focuses on programming and database management; the Business track emphasizes database application and systems analysis; and the Individualized track allows students to curate a custom course plan with advisor approval.

Program Highlights

  • Choose from Scientific/Technical, Business, or an Individualized track
  • Collaborate with an advisor to shape your program
  • Gain practical knowledge that enhances your resume and prepares you for the tech-driven job market

Course Requirements

Program Description

The minor in Computer and Information Science is available to students who are not majoring in Computer Science or Computer Information Systems. The dramatically increasing pervasiveness of computers in society makes this an attractive adjunct for students in numerous disciplines. It requires that a student complete a minimum of 18 credit hours of CAIS-labeled course work. The minor is unstructured in that any CAIS-labeled course may be applicable to the program of study; however, a student wishing to receive a Computer and Information Science minor must formally declare such intent no later than the completion of 12 credit hours of CAIS-labeled course work that will be applied toward the minor program of study so that a DCIS advisor may be assigned to the student and the remainder of the program may be planned and approved in conjunction with the advisor.

The minor has three "tracks", two with designated courses, and one that allows for an individualized program of study. They are as follow:

Track 1 – Scientific/Technical - 20-21 Credits


  • CAIS 03xx - CAIS 0300-level Elective Credits: 3

One of the following - 3-4 Credits:


Track 2 – Business - 19-21 Credits


  • CAIS 02xx/03xx - CAIS 0200/0300-level Elective Credits: 3-4

One of the following:


Track 3 – Individualized - 18 Credits

This track requires that a student complete a minimum of 18 credits of CAIS-labeled coursework, with at least six credits being at the 300-level. The track is individualized in that courses constituting the program of study are determined by the student and DCIS advisor. Any CAIS-labeled coursework may be applicable to the program of study – however, the program must have been planned with and approved by a DCIS advisor prior to entry into the fourth course that is to be applied to the program.


Coursework from other colleges may be transferred into the minor program; however, a minimum of 12 credits of coursework that will be applied to the program must be satisfied by coursework taken at À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ.

What Can You Do with a Computer and Information Science Minor

A minor in Computer and Information Science can open up a variety of career opportunities and enhance your skill set in numerous fields. Here are some potential paths:

  • Data Analyst
  • IT Consultant
  • Project Coordinator
  • Systems Analyst
  • Tech Support Specialist
  • Web Developer
CIS student wearing orange hoodie working on laptop in classroom.

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Our state-of-the-art Student Multimedia Technology Center and modern classrooms, designed for both hands-on and distance learning, create an exceptional educational experience. With small class sizes and personalized support, you'll have the resources and guidance needed to achieve your academic and career goals.

Multiple students working in a computer lab.

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Computer and Information Science Minor